Thursday, June 11, 2015

FIRST POST - it's official.


So clearly, it took me a long time to get on the blog wagon. Like, years. Mainly because for most of my life, my creations were not made of words and therefore I kind of had no use for a blog. But recently, I've had more and more urges to write, and to share what I write with the world. In fact, over the last few months I've sent hundreds and hundreds of texts to myself detailing things I want to write about. I'm definitely not short on ideas...but if I'm so "prepared," why did I wait so long to actually publish anything? 

Because...I. Was. SCARED!!! (ignore the irrationality of my fears considering the nonexistence of my readership and just go with me for a second). I don't know how to make a beautiful website. I don't have a decent kitchen to use for recipe tutorials. I don't have some cute little series that will turn into a book deal. I definitely don't have a sexy photographer boyfriend waiting to capture my OOTD, and even if I did, my neighborhood is no Montmartre. So, once I realized that my blog offerings at this stage in my life could never measure up to the ones I truly admire, I naturally concluded that I should not start one at all.

For months, I had been completely bound by fear that my blog would suck, and the world would hate me. This fear is problematic for one simple reason: NETHER ACCUSATION MAKES SENSE! For one, just because I can't be the best does NOTTTTT mean I shouldn't try!!! This little wisdom gem can (and should) be applied to many, many areas of life, especially in our modern achievement-based age and ESPECIALLY if you are a born perfectionist like me. The lie I had bought into, that I needed to be the best or be nothing at all, just simply isn't true. Do you refuse to feed yourself because you are not a five star chef? Do you go out naked if your best clothes are in the wash? OF COURSE NOT. And therefore, by I refuse to start a blog because I know it won't be even close to my ideal? 

Heck. No. There is absolutely still value in sharing my ideas, even if I'm just using a cheesy Blogger template and posting pictures from my iPhone. Things don't have to be perfect to be valuable. Don't avoid sharing something just because it's not the best! Besides, putting your imperfect ideas out there in the open is the first step to improving them! (I love Ira Glass's thoughts on this principle of creativity). And so, contrary to my former belief, done is better than perfect.

Addressing the second fallacy of my fears, even if my blog does absolutely suck...who cares?

Seriously! Who even cares if my blog is "perfect" or not? Who? WHOOOOOOOO?!?!?!?! Besides me...basically no one! (yaaaay!) Of course I want to do my best. Of course, if I ever do "perfect" my blog, I should celebrate that. But until that day, I will rest in the comfort of the knowledge that bajillions of blog posts out there are just as basic as mine are, and that is okay.

So, in conclusion, this is my first post, and it took a lot more soul searching to get it here that you might have imagined. Today I finally overcome my fears, silly ones as they so often are, to post some tiny but mighty thoughts on the internet. Here's to many more to come!

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